1780 Garden Ave, North Vancouver, V7P 3A7


778 522 4045

How to Choose an A+ Blasting Service Vancouver

blasting services Vancouver

Blasting Services Vancouver The removal of corrosion and rust from heavy vessels requires extensive industry knowledge. Prior to applying abrasive paint or a protective coating, you must remove any rust or particles. An abrasive blasting and painting team must be present at every step throughout the corrosion process on industrial equipment and infrastructure. The right […]

Why Did Titanic Sink? 5 Things Captain Didn’t Tell You About Marine Blasting

Marine maintenance

Marine Blasting | Vancouver Boats evoke memories for many of us such as relaxing on the lake, fishing on the open sea, sailing across the big ocean, or meeting a mermaid from Pirates Of The Caribbean…. Well, let’s not reveal the mesmerizing events in marine life. There are many resources for boaters in Vancouver thanks […]