Parkades, parking garages, parking areas, traffic aisles, pedestrian walkways interior/exterior , corridors, ramps, loading docks, parking stalls, outdoor areas and Paths, pedestrian bridges, refinery, rooftop decks, dewatering floors, waterproofing areas.
Airlocks, Animal holding areas, Bakeries, Bars/Pubs/Lounges, Laboratories, Breweries, corridors, Exterior entrance, Offices, outdoor areas and Paths, packaging areas, pool decks, refinery, restaurants, rooftop decks, showrooms, Shower and washrooms, spas, fitness centers, waiting rooms, veterinary, hotels, hospitals, Animal shelters,
Aircrafts Hangers, Aircraft test areas, Airlocks, Animal holding areas, Bakeries Bars/Pubs/Lounges, Battery rooms, Laboratories, break rooms, Breweries, Building interiors, Bulk storage, cafeterias, Chemical containment, Churches, classrooms, commissaries, concourses, conference room, corridors, coolers, Data center, Deli areas, Disinfection areas, food assembly and storage, freezer, gift shops, Gyms, Hangars, ICU and PACU, Labs, clean rooms, Laboratories, Libraries, Machine Shops, maintenance areas, meat packing, mechanical rooms, media centers, Morgues, Offices, Night clubs, packaging areas, patient rooms, Pharmacy, production and processing areas, refinery, retail areas, shops, service areas, showrooms, spas, fitness centers, sterile areas, waiting rooms, warehouses, veterinary, cannabis, winery, auto dealerships, hotels, hospitals, grocery stores, repair shops, All areas in contact to acid and chemicals, Animal shelters,
Animal holding areas, Bakeries, Battery rooms, dish wash areas, food assembly and storage, Machine Shops, maintenance areas, refinery, service areas, warehouses, veterinary, cannabis, winery, repair shops, All areas in contact to acid and chemicals, Animal shelters,
Airlocks, Animal holding areas, Bakeries, Bars/Pubs/Lounges, break rooms, Building interiors, cafeterias, Churches, concourses, conference room, Deli areas, Machine Shops, media centers, Offices, Night clubs, patient rooms, restaurants, showrooms, spas, fitness centers, waiting rooms, auto dealerships, hotels, hospitals,
Airlocks, Animal holding areas, break rooms, Bulk storage, cafeterias, corridors, Machine Shops, mechanical rooms, media centers, Offices, restaurants, service areas, showrooms, warehouses, veterinary, auto dealer ships, Animal shelters,