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Dustless Blasting for Wood Restoration

You may understand how dustless blasting can be compared to power washing if you’re just learning about the process. Dustless blasting may be gentle enough to be used on softer materials such as wood, but you may not realize it. If you want to strip and restore wood, dustless blasting is an option worth considering. Dustless blasting for wood restoration is increasingly popular with Vancouverites. 

Variations in method

You may believe that you can’t restore old wood to its original state if you have a piece. The old, grey furniture that has a musty smell and a gray appearance will no longer bother you. Rather than replacing the wood, you can refinish it to restore its original beauty. There are several companies that claim to be able to restore the wood.

Common methods include

Is one safer than the other?

Although dustless blasting is safest on hardwoods, you can also blast softwoods without damaging them by using finer blast media and lower pressures. Deck restoration works wonders with dustless blasting! This process does not produce any chemicals or airborne particles, so it is a non-toxic, safe way to strip your deck. Power washing is far less powerful, less effective, and releases water vapor into the air. Dustless blasting does not emit any water into the air. Besides that, it’s also highly efficient and fast!

Its distinctive features

When you’re just learning about dustless blasting, it may be easy to compare it to power washing. You may not realize that dustless blasting is gentle enough to be used on soft materials such as wood. Dustless blasting can be an effective method for stripping and restoring wood

Restore the look of your home

Wood decking can be made to look as good as new after Dustless Blasting has been carried out. A perfect paint-ready surface is left with this system, as it removes paint, rust, and chloride completely

The renovation is overdue

Using dustless blasting, you can effectively remove wood coatings such as paint, polyurethane, lacquer, stain, and other materials. Wood, no matter how old, can look brand new

Choosing the right professional

By restoring aging spaces, customers can bring back their rustic beauty and still preserve their charm and history. Since we’ve worked on so many reclaimed wood projects, we’ve developed the skill set necessary to combine past and present into unique architectural pieces.

The global reach and Cotech

In addition to Automotive and Fleet Vehicles, Dustless Blasting can be used in Restoration, Graffiti Removal, Marine, Refinery, and more. The most innovative method of surface preparation available on the market today is offered by our company. Regardless of the location, Coattech can strip any coating off of any surface.


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